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pip install pylendingclub


A Python based wrapper for Lending Club’s API that enables easier programmatic use of the API. Also extends the functionality of the API through a higher-level wrapper for ease of use, and an AutoInvestor. More features to come.

See the API documentation here: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/api-overview.

Getting Started

To get started, download the package with pip:

pip install pylendingclub

Once the package is installed, you will need a Session object. You can create one directly, by passing your api-key and investor-id.

from pylendingclub.session import LendingClubSession
session = LendingClubSession(api_key, investor_id)

Alternatively, you can create environment variables for both of these values. Make sure they are created as ‘LC_API_KEY’ and ‘LC_INVESTOR_ID’.

With environment variables set, you can create a Session with them like so:

from pylendingclub import Session
session = LendingClubSession.from_environment_variables()

Using the Session Object

Sessions and Responses

Calls to the API through the Session will return a Response object. You can then work with this response as needed. If you just want the JSON data from the response, use the following syntax:

response = session.resource.property
json_data = response.json()


response = session.resource.method()
json_data = response.json()

You can also chain the .json() call directly onto the property, or method, but this won’t allow you to handle an error with the response without making a separate call to get the original response. Especially when working with the POST methods, it is recommended to store the response separate from the JSON, but it is not required.

Accessing Resources

There are two primary resources available within the API. These are the Account and Loan resources. You can access them within the Session like so:

account = session.account
loan = session.loan

These two resources expose the sub-resources/services within the API. More on this below.

Remember, all of these services will return a `Response`.

Account Resource

Account Summary

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/summary

Method Type: GET


account_summary = session.account.summary

Available Cash

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/available-cash

Method Type: GET


available_cash = session.account.available_cash


API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/notes-owned

Method Type: GET


notes = session.account.notes

Detailed Notes

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/detailed-notes-owned

Method Type: GET


detailed_notes = session.account.detailed_notes

Portfolios Owned

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/portfolios-owned

Method Type: GET


portfolios_owned = session.account.portfolios_owned


API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/filters

Method Type: GET


filters = session.account.filters

Create Portfolio

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/create-portfolio

Method Type: POST


create_portfolio = session.account.create_portfolio(portfolio_name, [portfolio_description])

Submit Orders

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/submit-order


The orders must be a list of dicts in the format:

    'loanId' : loan_id,
    'requestedAmount' : amount,
    'portfolioId' : portfolio_id

Where loanId and requestedAmount are required, and requestedAmount must be a denomination of 25.

For example:

    'loanId' : 1234,
    'requestedAmount' : 25,
    'loanId' : 1345,
    'requestedAmount' : 50,
    'portfolioId' : 12345

Method Type: POST


submit_orders = session.account.submit_orders(orders)

Submit Order

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/submit-order

Method Type: POST

Note: The requested_amount must be a denomination of $25.00. For example, 25, 100, and 2000 are all accepted values but 26, 115, and 2010 are not.


submit_order = session.account.submit_order(loan_id, requested_amount, [portfolio_id])


Pending Transfers

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/pending-transfers

Method Type: GET


pending_transfers = session.account.funds.pending


API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/add-funds

Method Type: POST


The transfer_frequency argument must be one of [LOAD_NOW, LOAD_ONCE, LOAD_WEEKLY, LOAD_BIWEEKLY, LOAD_ON_DAY_1_AND_16, LOAD_MONTHLY]

The ‘start_date’ argument is required for recurring transfers, and for LOAD_ONCE.


add_funds = session.account.funds.add(amount, transfer_frequency, [start_date], [end_date])


API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/add-funds

Method Type: POST


withdraw_funds = session.account.funds.withdraw(amount)

Cancel Transfer

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/cancel-transfers

Method Type: POST


cancel_transfer = session.account.funds.cancel(transfer_id)

Loan Resource

Listed Loans

API Documentation: https://www.lendingclub.com/developers/listed-loans

Method Type: GET


The show_all argument will determine whether all loans are shown, or only the loans from the most recent listing period are shown.

The filter_id argument, if provided, will only show loans matching the filter.


listed_loans = session.loan.listed_loans([filter_id], [show_all]=True)